Oil & Filters

One of the simplest, most effective, and inexpensive ways to help protect the life of your car, especially its engine, is to change the oil and the oil filter regularly.

Oil is the lifeblood of your engine. It reduces friction, lessens wear, provides lubrication, forms a seal between the pistons, rings, and cylinder walls while helping to cool engine parts. Without the cleaning action of new oil, carbon and varnish buildup would be toxic to the engine. And engine oil even dampens the shock and noise of moving parts.

If you are often in stop-and-go traffic, city driving, or go on frequent short trips, you may want to change your oil more often. The amount of time you can wait before changing your oil tends to differ greatly between conventional and synthetic oils.

  • Oil & Filters change
  • Blend Synthetic or Full Synthetic oil
  • Oil for manual/automatic transmission

We offer a full range of garage services to vehicle owners in Toms River. Our professionals know how to handle a wide range of car services. We can handle any problem on both foreign and domestic vehicles.

mechanic pouring motor oil at car engine
Mechanic using specialized tool to perform an oil and filter change on a car engine.
Mechanic installing new parts for the oil and filter change in a car engine.


ASE-Certified technicians located on Route 37 in Toms River


£29.95 // starting price 1h // estimated repair time
K&M has the latest diagnostic equipment and our ASE-certified technicians will determine the cause of your steering problems and get you back to effortless driving with steering repair and steering fluid flush services.
£59.95 // starting price 3h // estimated repair time
From the brake pedal to hydraulic brake fluid, brake master cylinder to the power brake booster, drum brakes to disc brakes - our technicians know every part of your brake.